Programme for the Young Academics

We are thrilled to have you join the Next Generation City Action as part of the high-level C40 World Mayors Summit and are looking forward to seeing you in Copenhagen and taking part in the Young Academics track. Below is the detailed program for those of you who are in the Young Academics Track. 
Please pay attention that we will be updating this continuously so always use the below online programme as your final schedule. We are doing our best to clarify when there is optional event to join or events where only some of you are expected to join. Let us know if you have any questions.

Monday 07 October

09:15-22:00Arrival in Copenhagen
Pick up in the airport by volunteers guiding you to Steelhouse Copenhagen
Arrivals at 09:15-13:55 will be picked up by Camilla, tel: +4550217612
Arrivals at 15:00 will be picked up by Christopher  tel: +4531664950 
Arrivals at 18:20 will be picked up by Camilla, tel: +4550217612
Arrivals at 22:00 will be picked up by Lasse, tel: +4540710670
15:00-18:00Check-in at Steelhouse Copenhagen
Check-in possible from 15:00. If you arrive earlier, you can leave your luggage in their storage room. If you need to, call Steelhouse Copenhagen on +4533177110
19:00-20:00Optional meetup in a bar  
The Skylab Team will be at Warpigs in the Meatpacking district. It is a 15 minutes walk from your hostel. We hope to see you and stay for a drink

Tuesday 08 October

08:00-08:45Transport to DTU Skylab
We depart from Steelhouse Copenhagen and drive to DTU Skylab: Diplomvej, bygning 373A, 2800 Kongens Lyngby; Linda will pick you up; WhatsApp: +45 52709247
The bus is leaving on time!
09:00-09:25Coffee and breakfast
In the open space of Skylab
09:30-10:00Intro to DTU and Skylab
In the auditorium of Skylab
10:00-12:00Deep Dive Session
In the auditorium of Skylab
In the SkyTent
Please bring remaining stuff to wardrobe in the basement
13:00-13:15Hand in Final pitch
Email to [email protected]
13:15-14:00Practice pitch
In the auditorium and allocated rooms 1st floor of Skylab
14:20-14:35Welcome to panel
In the auditorium of Skylab
14:35-16:50Pitch Session of Solution Roadmap
In the auditorium of Skylab
Light snack in the SkyTent
17:15-17:30Get ready for Tech Bazar & Reception
In the open space of Skylab
17:30-20:30Tech Bazar & Reception
At Skylab
More info and signup here (pdf)
20:30-21:00Bus back to Steelhouse Copenhagen

Wednesday 09 October – BUILDINGS

Click here for the Mobility-track.

07:00-08:30Breakfast on your own
10:00-11:00Transport (public) to KADK
We meet outside Steelhouse and take bus 9A to KADK. Pick up by: Linda
11:00-13:00Climate: Change for a Sustainable Future At KADK
Workshop and Guided Tour. Lunch included
*Mandatory for internationals 
13:30-15:00Feedback Session (ONLY FOR FINALIST GROUPS)
Meet Marie and Linda at Steelhouse by the reception.
15:00pm Deadline Final Slide deck ppt, send email to [email protected]
15:00-18:00Guided Walk by Det Frie Gymnasium
Pick-up Location:Steelhouse
*Mandatory international participants
18:30-20:35C40 Opening Ceremony
At Copenhagen Contemporary, More info here
Do not forget your C40 badge and ID! 
20:35-20:45Family Photo for all participants
21:00-21:15Transport back to Copenhagen City Hall Square
Departure from Copenhagen Contemporary

Wednesday 09 October – MOBILITY

Click here for the Buildings-track

Before we leave Breakfast on your own
07:20Pick up in the reception.
Bring ID!
07:30-08:15Transport (public) to UN City,
Pick-up by Lasse and Matias
*Mandatory for internationals; Bring ID
08:15-13:00Urban Mobility Conference
At UN City, More info here
* Mandatory for Internationals, Bring ID
13:00-13:30Transport back to Steelhouse
13:30-15:00Feedback Session (ONLY FOR FINALIST GROUPS)
Meet Marie and Linda at the recption
15:00pm Deadline Final Slide deck ppt, send email to [email protected]
15:00-18:00Guided Walk by Det Frie Gymnasium
Pick-up Location
:  Steelhouse
*Mandatory international participants
18:30-20:35C40 Opening Ceremony
At Copenhagen Contemporary, More info here
Do not forget your C40 badge and ID! 
20:35-20:45Family Photo for all participants
21:00-21:15Transport back to Copenhagen City Hall
Departure from Copenhagen Contemporary

Thursday 10 October

07:00-08:30Breakfast on your own
08:30-09:00Walk to Tivoli Congress Center
Departure from Steelhouse; Pick-up by Christoffer
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
Walk to the City Hall of Copenhagen
Pick-up by Rune
09:00-11:30C40 Plenary 1
At Tivoli Congress Center
See more info here: “The Future We Want Is Possible”
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
This event is not a mandatory part of the Next Generation City Action programme
Activities in Youth Summit with lunch in the City Hall of Copenhagen: Banquet
13:00-14:30Networking Lunch
At Tivoli Congress Center
This event is not a mandatory part of the Next Generation City Action programme
Walk to Tivoli Congress Center
by Rune
14:30-16:00C40 Plenary 2
At Tivoli Congress Center
See more info here: “The Future We Want Is Resillient”
17:00-18:30Mandatory event
More info coming soon

Friday 11 October

07:00-08:00Breakfast on your own
08:00-08:30ONLY FINALISTS: Walk to Tivoli Congress Center
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
08:30-09:45ONLY FINALISTS: Finalists Prepare Final Pitch
At Tivoli Congress Center: Arkaden5
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
This event is not a mandatory part of the Next Generation City Action programme
09:00-09:45NON-FINALISTS: Walk to Tivoli Congress Center
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
This event is not a mandatory part of the Next Generation City Action programme
10:00-11:30Finalists Pitch Solution Roadmaps
At Tivoli Congress Center: Vandsalen
ALL Academics are invited to listen in
12:00-13:00Women 4 Climate Tech Challenge Launch
At Tivoli Congress Center, More info here
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
13:00-14:30Networking Lunch
At Tivoli Congress Center
This event is not a mandatory part of the Next Generation City Action programme
14:30-17:00C40 Plenary 4 – C40 Youth on Stage
At Tivoli Congress Center
Preferably leave your bags at the hostel for this event
Closing ceremony. More info on the C40 website here
17:15-18:15Climate March
At Rådhuspladsen
18:30- 21:00 Farewell Dinner, Next Generation City Action
Evoo Street Kitchen: Rådhusstræde 13
2-course dinner with a drink included
Entrance through Bastard Café, then take staircase on right hand side to 1st floor. Then, entrance to the right.
Phone number for restaurant: +45 50 28 41 09
21:00- Culture Night in Copenhagen
This event has nothing to do with Next Generation City Action or C40
More info here

Saturday 12 October

All dayDepartures
Please find by yourself to the airport. We recommend the following departure times: 
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leave Steelhouse at 03:40am to CPH Central St. to catch the 04:07am Öresundståg towards Lund. Two stops to CPH Airport.
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leaving Steelhouse at 07:05am to CPH Central St. to catch the 07:27am IC Train direct to CPH Airport.
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leaving Steelhouse at 08:30am to CPH Central St. to catch the 08:56am IC Train to CPH Airport
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leaving Steelhouse at 12:25 to CPH Central St. to catch the 12:47 train towards Lund, but stops in CPH Airport.
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leaving Steelhouse at 14:25 to CPH Central St. to catch the 14:47 train towards Lund, but stops in CPH Airport.
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leaving Steelhouse at 16:30 to CPH Central St. to catch the 16:56 IC Train to CPH Airport.
CPH Airport
Flight Departure Times
Leaving Steelhouse at 19:50 to CPH Central St. to catch the train 20:16 train towards CPH airport.