Young Academics Track

From the 1st of October 2019 you can find 18 solution road maps below, developed by groups of university students, from different academic backgrounds in Kenya, Ethiopia, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea and Denmark. (Note that these pages of Solution Road Maps are user-generated and that neither DTU Skylab nor any of its partners can be held responsible for the content of the above pages.)  

The 5 Finalist Solutions

  • Team #3

    Team #3

    Energy Efficiency in Durban

  • Team #7

    Team #7

    Energy Efficiency in Nairobi

  • Team #12

    Team #12

    Electric Mobility in Medellín

  • Team #14

    Team #14

    Energy Efficiency in Mexico City

  • Team #15

    Team #15

    Electric Mobility in Addis Ababa

All 18 Solution Roadmaps
to the nine C40 City Challenges

  • Team #1

    Team #1

    Energy Efficiency in Durban

  • Team #2

    Team #2

    Energy Efficiency in Nairobi

  • Team #3

    Team #3

    Energy Efficiency in Durban

  • Team #4

    Team #4

    Electric Mobility in Mexico City

  • Team #5

    Team #5

    Energy Efficiency in Medellín

  • Team #6

    Team #6

    Electric Mobility in Durban

  • Team #7

    Team #7

    Energy Efficiency in Nairobi

  • Team #8

    Team #8

    Electric Mobility in Nairobi

  • Team #9

    Team #9

    Electric Mobility in Durban

  • Team # 10

    Team # 10

    Energy Efficiency in Mexico City

  • Team #11

    Team #11

    Electric Mobility in Mexico City 

  • Team #12

    Team #12

    Electric Mobility in Medellín

  • Team #13

    Team #13

    Energy Efficiency in Medellín

  • Team #14

    Team #14

    Energy Efficiency in Mexico City

  • Team #15

    Team #15

    Electric Mobility in Addis Ababa

  • Team #16

    Team #16

    Electric Mobility in Addis Ababa

  • Team #17

    Team #17

    Electric Mobility in Nairobi

  • Team #18

    Team #18

    Energy Efficiency in Nairobi

Young Academics Bring New Innovation To City Challenges

On the basis of the City Challenges, 18 groups of university students, with diverse academic backgrounds, have been recruited from Kenya, Ethiopia, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea and Denmark to work on the city challenges prior to the C40-summit. Each group will develop a solution roadmap to a specific city challenge. This city’s challenge may not be from their country/city of origin.

Within the framework of their university courses, the students will approach the city challenge from different angles and disciplines, while developing city roadmaps with visionary and innovative solutions that tap into existing, world-class solutions. 

The results will be showcased during the summit in front of city representatives and a jury of experts. Holistic and innovative solutions based on the students academic background, pioneering practices, and existing innovations derived from C40’s own networks & P4G partnerships will serve as inspiration for the city representatives and their colleagues, guiding them in policy planning and strategy development towards sustainable cities.

The map below illustrates the origin of the student teams and the C40 city challenge they have been working on.

Unique Global Partnership

The global scale and diversity have been made possible through strong, dedicated partners at the universities and the C40 cities. Therefore we would like to extend a special thanks to the following who have made the Young Academics track possible.

We also thank the following city officials and P4G representatives who have supported the academics in the solution road map with advice from their local context:


City of Medellin – Departmento Administrativa de Planeacíon Carlos Bohorquez
Medellin Public Utility Company (EPM)
Lead on Electric Mobility Program
Electrical Enginneer, Andres Duque
P4G – International Council on Clean Transportation, Oscar Delgado
P4G – Green Building Council, Sarah Arboleda


Mexico City Mobility Secretary, Advisor Emiliano Zepeda
Mexico City’s Secretary of Environment (SEDEMA), Deputy Director Naschielli Ayala
P4G – International Council on Clean Transportation Kate Blumberg


Nairobi-City Advisor C40 – Environmental Planning & Management – Phillip Dinga
Nairobi – Urban Planning Department – Mr Raphael Kazungu
Nairobi-City’s Transport Sector – Engineer Moses Kuiyaki
P4G – Kenya Green Building Society, John Kabuye Kalungi

South Africa

Durban / eThekwini Municipality – Project Manager/Senior Manager (Acting) Energy Office, Magash Naidoo
Durban / eThekwini Municipality – Senior Professional Planner, Strategic Spatial Planning Branch, Emmanuel Letebele


Addis Ababa City Administration Transport Bureau, Transport Standard Coordinator, Ms. Birhane Bogale
Energy Utility Company, Hermela Arage